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2020 Unified State Plan (WIOA Workforce) Public Comment

Announcement – Friday, January 10, 2020

​1/10/20 -The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 requires the Governor of each State to outline a four-year strategy for the State’s workforce development system by preparing either a Unified State Plan encompassing the following core federal programs: WIOA Title IB, Title II-Adult Education, Title III-Wagner-Peyser, and Title IV-Vocational Rehabilitation Services; or a Combined State Plan that includes the six core programs from a unified plan, plus one or more eligible partner programs identified under WIOA (Perkins Act career and technical education programs, TANF, SNAP, E&T programs, TAA, etc.). Illinois follows the Unified State Plan approach.
>More information about the WOIA development plan