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Refusal To Return to Work
What is Suitable Work?
Claimants who refuse a suitable offer of work by their former employer without good cause may be disqualified from receiving future unemployment benefits.
“Suitable” work is decided by multiple factors, such as:
- Health, safety, and morals
- Physical fitness and prior training
- Experience and prior earnings
- Length of unemployment and prospects for securing local work in the worker’s customary occupation
- Distance of the available work from the worker’s residence
More information about Refusal of Work is available in Section 603 of the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act.
Reporting a Refusal to Work
Employers can notify IDES if a current or former employee refused an offer of work while also receiving unemployment benefits. To notify IDES, you must (1) reply to the Notice of Claim sent to you at the time the claim was filed, or (2) reply to the Statement of Benefit Charges (BEN-118) sent quarterly. Send your reply via the method indicated on the respective notice.
Please provide detailed information regarding the offer of work such as:
- The date the offer was made
- Who made the offer
- Hours and location of the position
- Why the individual refused the offer (if known)
IDES will contact you by phone if any additional information is required. You will be notified in writing of the Department’s determination to allow or deny benefits.