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Unemployment Rates Down for the Tenth Consecutive Month, Jobs Up in Most Metro Areas

Announcement – Thursday, March 17, 2022

Contact: Will Gomberg | 312.793.9376
PDF Version

The unemployment rate decreased over-the-year in all fourteen Illinois metropolitan areas in January for the tenth consecutive month according to preliminary data released today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES). Jobs were up in twelve metro areas, and were unchanged in one, and down in another.

“Today’s data reflects Illinois’ increasingly strong economy,” said Deputy Governor Andy Manar.  “Continued job growth across multiple regions and industries is a sign of more progress. We look forward to sustaining this work in the months ahead, by connecting employers and job seekers with more resources and opportunities.”

The metro areas which had the largest over-the-year percentage increases in total nonfarm jobs were the Bloomington MSA (+7.9%, +6,700), the Elgin MSA (+6.0%, +14,000), the Chicago Metro Division (+5.6%, +193,800) and the Springfield MSA (+5.6%, +5,600). Total nonfarm jobs were down slightly in the  Champaign-Urbana MSA (-0.2%, -200) and unchanged in the Kankakee MSA. The industries that saw job growth in a majority of metro areas included: Leisure & Hospitality (fourteen areas); Wholesale Trade and Other Services (twelve areas each); Government (eleven areas); Professional & Business Services (ten areas); and Manufacturing and Education & Health Services (nine areas each).

The metro areas with the largest unemployment rate decreases were the Chicago-Naperville-Arlington Heights Metropolitan Division (-2.8 points to 5.1%), the Decatur MSA   (-2.7 points to 7.4%) and the Springfield MSA (-2.5 points to 5.1%). The unemployment rate decreased over-the-year in all 102 counties for the third straight month

Not Seasonally Adjusted Unemployment Rates
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Total Nonfarm Jobs (Not Seasonally Adjusted) – January  2022
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