Feeling alone in your job search? Let’s talk!
We’re excited to announce a NEW bimonthly job club – Let’s Talk Job Search. Let's Talk Job Search is more than just an opportunity to find job leads – it offers a supportive community, a place to talk real about the job search.
We’re thrilled to kickoff Let’s Talk Job Search on April 14, 2023 from 9am - 11am at workNet DuPage in Lisle with motivational speaker Conor Cunneen presenting Staying Sane, Motivated and Productive in the Job Search.
As a job seeker, you have two “deposits” to worry about – Cash Deposit and our Mental Deposit.
Conor can’t help you right now with your net-worth, but he can and will help you with your self-worth and mental well-being during a very challenging time for you. In this program, IrishmanSpeaks - Conor Cunneen will provide down to earth, implementable ideas to help you Stay Sane, Motivated and Productive during these very challenging times.
Conor’s clients range from Harley-Davidson to Helsinki, from Memphis to Madrid. He is a multiple author and a Chicago Humorous Speaker of the Year so we can expect laughter and learning. A recipient of the President’s Gold Medal for Volunteer Service for job seekers, we are thrilled to have Conor as the featured speaker at the Let’s Talk Job Search launch!
Let’s Talk Job Search IS OPEN TO EVERYONE.
If you’re a job seeker in the DuPage County area Let’s Talk Job Search is free to attend & open to the public!
Friday, April 14, 2023
09:00 AM to 11:00 AM CDT
workNet DuPage
- 2525 Cabot Drive Suite 302
- Lisle , IL 60532