Fidelity Bonding
Fidelity Bonding is a business insurance policy that protects employers against employee dishonesty, theft or embezzlement. A fidelity bond is no-cost insurance coverage from $5,000 up to $25,000 that enables employers to hire job applicants considered to be "at risk" due to their past life experiences.
Fidelity Bonding Services Are User-Friendly
- NO bond approval processing–local staff instantly issue bonds to employers
- NO papers for employer to sign to obtain free bond incentive for job hire
- NO follow-up and NO termination actions required for bond issued
- NO deductible in bond insurance amount if employee dishonesty occurs
- NO age requirements for bonded individual other than legal working age in State
- NO other U.S. program provides Fidelity Bonding services
- NO Federal regulations covering bonds issued
- ANY job at ANY employer in ANY State can be covered by the bond
What Is Fidelity Bonding?
- Insurance to protect employer against employee dishonesty
- Covers any type of stealing: theft, forgery, larceny, and embezzlement
- In effect, a guarantee of worker job honesty
- An incentive to the employer to hire an at-risk job applicant
- A unique tool for marketing applicants to employers
- DOES NOT cover ‘liability” due to poor workmanship, job injuries, work accidents, etc.
- Is NOT a bail bond or court bond needed in adjudication
- Is NOT a bond needed for self-employment (contract bond, license bond or performance bond)
Why Is Fidelity Bonding Needed for Job Placement?
- Employers view ex-offenders and other at-risk job seekers as potentially untrustworthy workers, thereby, denying them job-hire Insurance companies will not cover risky job applicants under commercial Fidelity Bonds purchased by employers to protect themselves against employee dishonesty
- Anyone who has ever “committed a fraudulent or dishonest act” is deemed NOT BONDABLE by insurance companies, a situation leading to routine denial of employment opportunities for such persons
- Being NOT BONDABLE is a significant barrier to employment possessed by the hardest-to-place job applicants; this barrier can be eliminated only by The Federal Bonding Program
- Job bonding enables the employer to “obtain worker skills without taking risk”
- Persons who are NOT BONDABLE can ultimately become commercially BONDABLE by demonstrating job honesty during the 6 months of bond coverage under the Federal Bonding Program (such commercial bonding will be made available by the Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America; referred to hereafter as TRAVELERS)
Who Is Eligible for Bonding Services?
- Any at-risk job applicant is eligible for bonding services, including: 1.) ex-offenders, 2.) recovering substance abusers (alcohol or drugs), 3.) welfare recipients and other persons having poor financial credit, 4.) economically disadvantaged youth and adults who lack a work history, and 5.) individuals dishonorably discharged from the military, and others
- Anyone who cannot secure employment without bonding
- All persons bonded must meet the legal working age set by the State in which the job exists
- Self-employed persons are NOT ELIGIBLE for bonding services (a person who would be bonded must be an employee who earns wages with Federal taxes automatically deducted from paycheck)
- Bonds can be issued to cover already employed workers who need bonding in order to (a) prevent being laid off, or (b) secure a transfer or promotion to a new job at the company
- Bonding coverage can apply to any job at any employer in any State
What does the Program NOT Cover?
- Liability due to poor workmanship
- Job injuries
- Work accidents
- Bail bond
- Contract bond
- Performance or license bond
How Can Bonds Be Accessed Under the Federal Bonding Program?
- Any organization is now eligible to deliver bonding services under The Federal Bonding Program; for many years bonding services were almost exclusively delivered by the State Employment Service
- All organizations issuing Fidelity Bonds must be “certified” to do so by The Federal Bonding Program
- The Fidelity Bonds issued to employers covering at-risk applicants are made available exclusively to The Federal Bonding Program by Travelers which is not duplicated by any other U.S. program
- Bonds are issued instantly to be in effect the day that the applicant is scheduled to start work; the bonds are self-terminating (no termination paperwork needed), and the employer does not sign any papers in order to receive the bond free-of-charge
- The bond insurance issued ranges from $5,000 to $25,000 coverage for a 6-month period with no deductible amount (employer gets 100% insurance coverage); when this bond coverage expires, continued bond coverage can be purchased from TRAVELERS by the employer if the worker demonstrated job honesty under coverage provided by The Federal Bonding Program
- Bond can be issued to the employer as soon as the applicant has a job offer with a date scheduled to start work.
To apply:
Fill out this Fidelity Bond Certification Form and/or contact Patrick Durkin at 312-793-9601.
How IDES uses personal information
Unless you otherwise consent, we will use your personal information only for the purpose for which it is submitted, such as to reply to your emails, handle complaints, and process billing and business requests related to your insurance program. IDES may also release personal information if it is required by law (for example, a subpoena) or regulation or is requested by a government agency;
- For more information
- For Bond Package Availability & Purchase
- For Procedures for Bond Issuance and Management
- For marketing tools
- IDES Fidelity Bonding Brochure (
English &
- Use the IDES Office Locator to find an IDES office nearest you.
- IDES Re-entry Employment Service Program for Job Seekers.
- Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Program for Employers