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IDES offices will be closed Thursday, July 4 for the federal holiday, but you can still certify and apply for benefits and access other online resources!  Please note that benefit payments may take longer to process during this time.  Offices will reopen for regular business hours on Friday, July 5.

UI Fraud by Individuals

If you collect more Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits than you are eligible for, you are committing fraud.  UI fraud is punishable by law and violators could face a number of serious penalties and consequences. 

Examples of UI Fraud include:

  • An individual works at a part-time job but does not report their earning to the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES), thereby collecting more benefits than are allowed.
  • Providing inaccurate and/or false information to IDES.
  • An individual works odd jobs while collecting UI benefits but does not report the earning when filing his or her weekly claim.
  • Falsifying dependency information.
  • Using a fictitious or another person's social security number and/or date of birth.

If you commit UI fraud, you could face serious penalties. These include:​

  • Prosecution by government authorities.
  • Jail or prison sentences.
  • Repayment of UI benefits collected, plus penalties and fines.
  • Forfeiting future income tax refunds.
  • Losing the eligibility to collect UI benefits in the future.

Anyone who collects UI benefits is legally  responsible for making sure he or she follows the requirements per Illinois State law. Conduct a job search and document your work search activities. Failure to follow the rules can result in serious consequences. 

To report fraud:

  • Please call our Benefit Payment Control Division at (800) 814-0513; or
  • Report identity theft fraud online