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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

IDES offices will be closed Monday, October 14 for the federal holiday, but you can still certify and apply for benefits and access other online resources!  Please note that benefit payments may take longer to process during this time.  Offices will reopen for regular business hours on Tuesday, October 15.

Business Updates

Make Changes to your UI Account

Make changes to your UI account, request to close your UI account, make wage corrections, and/or name or social security number corrections. 

Complete the changes online at the MyTax Illinois website or the Notice of Change form UI-50 link to form for:

  • Phone Number Change/Name Change/Address Change/Miscellaneous Changes
  • Business Name change without change in legal entity
  • Reorganization, Sale or Other Organizational Change
  • Request to Close UI Account

​Complete the forms below for Wage/Name/Social Security Corrections

Report Entity Changes

Report a change in entity, a merger, or a purchase of another business

Did you acquire your Illinois business or any portion of it by purchase, reorganization or a change in entity, for example, a change from sole proprietor to corporation? If yes, report the changes online at the MyTax Illinois website​ or complete the forms below:

Power of Attorney, Third Party Agent

Grant Power of Attorney (POA) to a Third Party Agent and Register as a Third Party Agent for Multi-account Filers (Service Bureau)

Combined Power of Attorney LE-10 and Special Mailing UI-1M  - These forms are used to represent an employer before the director in any and all matters, to act in the Employer’s stead with the same consequences as the Employer. The special mailing form is to notify the Department of a request to have correspondence sent to an address other than your business address or to terminate a preexisting address.​

Accountants, Tax Preparers, Payroll Services, Multi-account filers or anyone submitting reports and/or payments to the Illinois Department of Employment Security on behalf of an employer is advised to register with IDES as a Service Bureau.  Registering as an IDES Service Bureau will simplify the filing and payment processes for multi-account filers. You will be able to select from a list of registered employers, easily switching from client to client.  In order to register, please submit:

  1. A letter, on company letterhead, requesting multi-account registration,​
  2. Power of Attorney (POA)  documentation for each company represented. Use combined form LE-10 and UI-1M. If filing reports via MyTax Illinois, be sure to check the UI-3/40 on the UI-1M form.​ 
  3. If POA documents have already been filed with IDES, simply submit a letter listing the companies and account numbers for verification.
  4. Upon receipt of your IDES Service Bureau ID, follow the user setup instructions. 
  5. Please submit your forms and/or request for POA or Service Bureau to​ or fax 312-793-6296.