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Magnetic Filing

What record layout should be used by employers submitting new hire reports magnetically?

New Hire Diskette Specifications

  1. IDES can accept the Semi-monthly New Hire Report on 3 1/2 diskette. Data must be recorded in ASCII character set.
  2. File Name - The diskette file must be named: H (first seven digits of FEIN)
  3. The file on the diskette should not contain any control characters such as carriage returns, line feeds or page breaks. Instead it should be one continuous file. If help is needed in creating diskettes, call the Magnetic Media unit.
  4. Mail diskettes to:

​​Illinois Department of Employment Security
Attn: Revenue Division (New Hire Reports)
115 S. LaSalle Street, 5th Floor
Chicago, IL 60603

NOTE: Diskettes submitted to IDES will not be returned to the employer.

​Data Cartridge Specifications

  1. The file should be written in the Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) in the unpacked mode. Only standard label may be used.
  2. Data should be Unsigned.
  3. All data records are of equal length and must be blocked 40 records to a block. The record length will be 801 characters in length. A standard IBM internal label is required for magnetic cartridges. The data set name must be: BES.NH.MAGFILE
  4. The VOL.SER. number MUST be the same on the internal and external labels. It must not be longer than six characters and if it contains letters it must start with EH. Therefore, the VOL.SER. should look like EH----. This EH requirement does not apply to an all numeric VOL.SER. number.
  5. The external label must include the number of records, complete data set name (DSN) and the VOL.SER. number.
  6. Mail cartridges to:

    ​Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
    Attn: Revenue Division (New Hire Reports)
    115 S. LaSalle Street, 5th Floor
    Chicago, IL 60603

    If help is needed in creating Standard IBM labels, contact the Magnetic Media Unit.

Record Layout for Filing New Hire Reports on Magnetic Media

The directory will list all persons hired for full-time, part-time or temporary jobs. The purpose of the directory is to help child support officials track down absent parents. In addition, the information provided through New Hire Reporting will help reduce fraud and abuse in Unemployment Insurance and Welfare programs.

Employers are being offered a range of options for reporting the necessary information. In this case you have chosen to report magnetically. This guide has been designed to help you meet the reporting requirements of this law.

It is designed to aid employers who wish to create a file using either the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) or the Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) in the unpacked mode.

The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) will be using the format that resembles the Federal guidelines in order to offer uniformity in reporting new hires. This file includes the information included on the Federal W-4 form.

This format is for "New Hires" only and not to be confused with the Quarterly UI3/40 file format.

Sources of Help: If you have technical questions regarding the file format, call the IDES Magnetic Media Unit.

If you have any general questions regarding new hire reporting, call the IDES New Hire toll free hotline.

Notice to Multistate Employers:

If you wish to report magnetically to a single State, notify the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services of your intent in writing. Your request must include the following information:

  1. The employer's FEIN, Name, Address, Telephone Number associated with the FEIN and a contact person.
  2. The name of the State the employer will be reporting magnetically.
  3. The names of all the States in which the employer has workers.
  4. Request must be mailed via first class to:
    ​U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
    Office of Child Support Enforcement
    Multistate Employer Registration
    Box 509 Randallstown, MD 21133

Submitting Cartridges and Diskettes

External Label: All items sent to IDES must be properly identified by using an external stick-on label. The label should contain the following information:

​Words "NEW HIRE" in large print

  • Employer Name
  • Address
  • Federal Identification Number (FEIN)
  • Reporting Period
  • Contact Person
  • Telephone Number
  • VOL.SER. # (cartridge only)
  • DSN (cartridge and tapes only)
  • Internal Label (cartridge only)
  • Internal Label Type (cartridge only)
  • Number of Records

N​ote: IDES will not process files without label.


After labeling the Magnetic Media, it should be mailed or delivered to:

Illinois Department of Employment Security
Attn: Revenue Division (New Hire Reports)
115 S. LaSalle Street, 5th Floor
Chicago, IL 60603

Employers who file their reports magnetically must submit these reports twice each month, if necessary, not less than 12 days nor more than 16 days apart. Do not include New Hire information with your quarterly UI3/40 contributions and wage reports. New hire reports and the quarterly UI3/40 are two different reports.

Cartridges and Diskettes also should be mailed to the address above.​​