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MyTax Illinois Service

FTP filers

Attached are the new file format and validation changes for those that file ICESA.  FTP files will no longer be submitted directly to IDES; they will now need to be submitted to the Electronic Commerce Division (ECD) through their Gateway process.  Attached is a copy of the IL-8633-B Gateway Registration process along with copies of the FTP file format changes and the FTP file acknowledgments.  To set up your FTP access to the Report filing Gateway, please follow the steps for access to the ECD and TEST portals.

MyTax Illinois/TaxNet Resources

Wage Filers

There are no changes to the current required monthly and quarterly reporting requirements.

Rate Exchange

  • For those involved in the current quarterly rate exchange, that process will change.  You will no longer need to submit CDs to IDES and IDES, in turn, will no longer need to return those CDs with your client’s rate information.
  • Under the new and improved MyTax Illinois process, if you have a valid POA with your client, you will be able to extract their rate information and their account balance information whenever you need to.
  • You will simply click on the button to request for all of your client's rates.
  • The following business day, you should receive an output file.
  • Click here for a sample of the rate exchange output file​.

POA/MOU/Bulk Upload

  • As a Service Bureau, you can continue to submit paper POA to IDES for processing.  You will also be able to establish, modify or terminate client relationships through MyTax.
  • Also for Service Bureaus, IDES has instituted a  policy allowing you to complete a POA Memorandum of Understanding with allows you to establish, modify or terminate client relationships without having to submit an actual POA to IDES.  You can maintain the actual POA in your possession but must forward it to IDES if requested.
  • Another new option allows Service Bureaus to electronically upload these relationships through MyTax Illinois using a simple bulk upload process.  See the POA Memorandum of Understanding and the IDES POA File Format Upload Guide​.  If you would like, you can still process changes manually through MyTax Illinois.

It is in your best interest to register as a Service Bureau

Some of you may be operating as a Service Bureau but are not registered as such with IDES.  A Service Bureau is anyone who submits reports, makes payments, receives correspondence, etc., on behalf of multiple employers related to unemployment insurance processing.  Please speak with our IDES Employer Hotline staff at 1-800-247-4984 and they will explain the benefits of converting to the registered Service Bureau status before the MyTax Illinois conversion. It’s free and easy to do.

Some benefits include:

  • Bulk ICESA filing
  • Bulk Extensions
  • Bulk Electronic POA - MOU needed
  • Bulk Monthly Filing
  • Bulk Rate Exchange