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Employers: Forms and Publications

Some of the most frequently used forms and publications by employers are provided below, covering topics and specific questions that often come up when doing business with IDES.

Unemployment Insurance Notice (Poster)

This poster fulfills all posting requirements for the Illinois Department of Employment Security.  Employers are required to post this notice in a conspicuous place for all employees.  (Rev: 8/2012)

UI-HA Report for Household Employers Form & Instructions

IDES form used to report wages of household employees - Tax Year 2024.  (Rev: 2/2025)

Employers can also file online using

Memorandum of Understanding - Power of Attorney

IDES form used to authorize a Service Bureau which is acting with Power of Attorney, on behalf a client.  (Rev: 4/2021)

Report to Determine Succession (Form UI-1 S&P)

All account maintenance can be completed at  Online submission provides a confirmation that your submission was received as well as eliminates the wait time associated with traditional mail or fax and in many cases can be automatically processed.  (Rev: 5/2020)

Report to Determine Liability under the Unemployment Insurance Act (Form REG-UI-1)

[Versión Español/Spanish]

This IDES form must be filed within 30 days by any employing unit that commences business in Illinois, whether by purchase of a business already being operated, by starting a new business, or otherwise.  (Rev: 11/2023)

Employers Claim for Adjustment or Refund (Form UI-28)

If there is an overpayment on your account, request a refund online at, or by completing this UI-28 form and faxing it to 217-557-1948.  (Rev: 2/10/2021)

Affidavit for Termination (AFT-1)

[Versión Español/Spanish]

Employer Account No., ceased to pay wages for services in employment as of and said employer ceased to have any individual performing services for it as of Said employer has met the requirements for termination of coverage pursuant to 56 Ill. Adm. Code 2760.110 (c).  (Rev: 9/8/17)

Affidavit for Modification of Date of Liability and Modification or Cancellation of Final Determination and Assessment (AFT-2)

This Affidavit must be accompanied by an amended Report to Determine Liability (Form UI-1).  A copy of Section 205 is attached.  (Rev: 9/6/22)

COMBINED Power of Attorney for Representing Employer under the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act (Form LE-10), and Unemployment Insurance Special Mailing Form (Form UI-1M)

[Versión Español/Spanish]

This form is used to authorize an individual or party to represent the Employer before the Director (of IDES) in any and all matters, and to receive information pertaining to the Employer's liability under the UI Act.  (Rev: 6/2024)

Notice of Change (Form UI-50A)

[Versión Español/Spanish]

Employers use this form to report name, address, telephone, or other material changes to the business.  It is also used to close a business UI tax account.  (Rev: 3/2020)

Employers Contribution and Wage Reporting (Form UI-3/40)

[Versión Español/Spanish - 2024]  [Versión Español/Spanish - 2023]

For employers filing paper-style contribution and wage reports, use the IDES Form Ul-3/40.  MyTax Illinois is the preferred method for filing both monthly and quarterly reports.  This is the form ONLY for tax year 2024.  (Rev: 2/2024)

Voluntary Leave Questionnaire - Employers (Form ADJ002FE)

An employer form used to collect information about whether an individual who quits his/her job did so without good cause attributable to his/her employer.

Able and Available Questionnaire for Employers (Form ADJ017FE)

IDES uses this form to determine whether an unemployed individual able to work, available for work and actively seeking work.  The information provided will be used for the purpose of determining a claimant's eligibility for benefits.

Application for Revision of Benefit Charges (Form BCS001F)

The form is used by an employer to protest benefit charges for former employee(s) who may have been erroneously paid unemployment benefits.

Illinois Unemployment Insurance Law Handbook (CLI106L)

IDES published the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Law Handbook (also known as the UI Law Handbook) in response to a need for a single, comprehensive, and updated legal resource.

Refusal to Return to Work Reporting Form

Please utilize this form to notify us of one or more claimants who have refused to return to work when offered by you or your representative.  Include detailed explanation of the reasons that employee provided for refusing to return to work.

Guidance For Employers and Employees on Workers' Rights and Safety During The Restore Illinois Plan: English | Español/Spanish | Polski/Polish | 中国人/Chinese

This guidance is intended to help both employers and employees educate themselves about minimum required workplace safety requirements, as well as best practices to promote a safe and well-functioning workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to provide guidance on some frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and the workplace.

Application for Partial Transfer of Experience ER-65

Please use this form to apply to IDES to transer part of the experience rating record.

Application for Partial Transfer of Experience - Schedule A Wage Transfer ER-66

Please use this form to certify allocation of quarterly taxable wage totals.

Application for Partial Transfer of Experience - Schedule C Allocation of Benefit Charge Totals ER-68

Please use this form to certify allocation of benefit charge totals.

Employer Election to Cover Multi-State Workers Under the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act RC-1

Employer requests that the Illinois Department of Employment Security cover under the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act certain individuals (named below and on any attached forms) customarily employed by the employer and who works in more than one state.

Employer Election to Cover Multi-State Workers Under the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act - Continuation Sheet RC-1A

The employer requests that the Illinois Department of Employment Security enter into a reciprocal coverage arrangement with each of the following other States where individuals named under Item 2, on the RC-1 form may do some work for the employer and under whose unemployment insurance laws they may be covered.