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Unemployment Insurance Information

Unemployment insurance is a state-operated insurance program designed to partially replace lost wages when you are out of work. Like fire, accident, health and other types of insurance, it is for an emergency: when you are temporarily or permanently out of a job, or if you work less than full time because of lack of work.

The program ensures that, if you meet the eligibility requirements​​ of the law, you will have some income while you are looking for a job, up to a maximum of 26 full weeks in a one-year period, depending on when the claim was​ established. Unemployment insurance, however, cannot and does not protect you against wage losses while you are absent from work due to illness or while you are idle by choice. Link to Unemployment Insurance Benefits Handbook.

File for Regular Unemployment Insurance

Filing Reminders:

If you would like to send additional documentation to IDES regarding your regular unemployment claim filing, then go to the Regular Unemployment Documentation Upload Portal. To use this feature, you must have already established a Claimant ID, but you do not need to have established an online account. 

You will be prompted to log in, which requires you to create an online username and password. Be sure to have all necessary information​ ready when filing your claim. Instructions are also available if you are filing for unemployment insurance and live out of state.​

Review the Table of Weekly Benefit Amounts |  WBA 2024  |  WBA 2023  |  WBA 2022

All new and existing claimants must sign in with an ILogin account.


Certification is the process of answering basic questions online or by telephone to communicate your employment status, after your initial application. Certification establishes your continued eligibility and is how your benefits are paid. 

In the Regular UI, PEUC, and EB programs, you certify every other week on your assigned day. 

The best way to certify for payment of benefits is online. These services are available Monday - Friday from 3:00 AM to 7:30 PM. 

Tele-Serve Handbook:

English​ | Spanish​ | Polish | Arabic | Chinese | Hindi | Tagalog


Payment Information: ​

Log in to view and print your 1099-G tax information. Individuals who have not established a username and password to manage their account will first be prompted to do so. Accessing the form electronically speeds the tax preparation process because individuals can obtain the form at their convenience and not wait for it to be mailed. Earlier tax years are also available.

Please Note: As of December 27, 2021, IDES stopped sending KeyBank debit cards to unemployment insurance claimants. All claimants are encouraged to select direct deposit as their payment method (learn more).

Additional Information & Forms


What Every Worker Should Know About Unemployment Insurance: 

English | Spanish | Polish | Chinese | Arabic

When workers are laid off for a period of seven days or more or are separated from the payroll for any reason, employers are required to provide them with a copy of this publication (Pub CLI111L).​​

I Filed My Claim What Happens Now

English | Spanish | Polish | Chinese | Arabic | Hindi | Tagalog

Unemployment Insurance Benefits Handbook: 

English​ | Spanish​ | Polish | Chinese | Arabic | Hindi | Tagalog

tax form

1099-G Tax Form

All individuals who received unemployment insurance (UI) benefits last year will receive the 1099-G tax form. Here's what to know about your 1099-G tax form.

Useful Links